Shared Ministries Event Request Form

Use this form to submit requests for calendar reservations, location reservations, and/or seed money for your Event at Greater Nashville UU.
Calendar Reservations, Room Reservations, and Budgets!

We are exciting about adding events and programs to our calendar!

If an effort to plan our calendar so events are paced throughout the year, to avoid conflicts, and to ensure events are funded, we are asking Shared Ministries Teams to schedule calendar events for the July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023 church year using this form. 

This form can be used for simple events like "Indoor Cleanup Day," recurring events like "Bell Choir Practice" or "Social Action Meeting," or congregational events, like "Hanging of the Greens."
Group Sponsor Information

Tell us about who is sponsoring this event? Is it a GNUUC task force, team, or committee? Covenant group? Group of friends? We recommend that you have at least 3-5 volunteers to put together an event.
For the Contact Name questions: Give us the primary contact for this event. This person will take attendance and make sure current Outdoor / Indoor COVID policies are followed.
Event Details

Tell us about your event / program. Give it a name and a description. Where is your event location? Is your event open to the public?
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Funding Information

Does this event require money? How will it be funded?
Please select one option.
Vision of Ministry 2021-2022

In what new and different ways will we transform lives this year?

Nurture Our Connections

Reconnect to each other.
Reconnect to the place.
Reconnect to the community.

We are meeting each other other again for the first time. Keep it simple. Keep it small. Give people space. Be kind to each other. Do the work that works for you. Beautify what you can. Acknowledge the places you hurt. Enjoy the out-of-doors.



Use this form to submit requests for calendar reservations, location reservations, and/or seed money for your Event at Greater Nashville UU.